- #Extreme gopro editing software movie#
- #Extreme gopro editing software manuals#
- #Extreme gopro editing software free#
Top 15 GoPro Video Editor You Should Know
#Extreme gopro editing software free#
These tools are a nice way to get your feet wet and prepare you for more fun in the world of editing.GoPro Tips TRY IT FREE TRY IT FREE 1.
#Extreme gopro editing software manuals#
Using these basic settings, you can easily do some basic fix-ups without having to bury your head in manuals and documentation. You can easily cut out part of your camera using these settings. Otherwise, you’ll find settings here that change the position of the camera within your movie.
#Extreme gopro editing software movie#
If you’re making your movie and the framing portion of your movie looks fine, I wouldn’t suggest changing any of the values within this part of the program. Most of their effects can be seen immediately and you’ll get a better idea of what they do visually. However, if you don’t know what they do, just toy around with them. These are basic terms that most people are familiar with, so I won’t bother in boring you with the extreme basics. These are just basic controls that apply filters to your movie. From here you can change different effects so that they will pop up during a specific point in the movie. If you wanted to add a keyframe, navigate on the timeline where you’d like it to be, and then click the “+” button. You can change when effects are put into your video here. The last thing you can change in White Balance is Keyframes. I like to leave this at the default setting for the most part. The tint setting makes it so that you get either a purple or green tint on your movie. It’s sort of hard to explain, but know that setting the metric to the left will make it more blue, and setting it to a higher level will make it so that it appears to have a yellow glow. The temperature setting will change the color balance of the video. In a nutshell, these options will change the different colors on your movie. If I wanted to create a 2 second fade in, I’d set the Fade In meter to 2.0. The fade in/fade out settings act like what they did in the Video Controls. The level meter will change your volume to be softer or louder depending on what you set it at. The audio controls will change how your audio in the movie plays. For example, if I set my fade out to something high, it would fade to black slowly. The fade in/fade out will have your movie have a nice fade to/from black. Setting this metric higher will have your movie play faster, and doing the opposite will make your movie slower. The speed section deals with how fast/slow you want your movie to be. These controls deal with basic video settings, as the name implies. This will disable the 3D effect and keep your movie in 2D. If you want to turn off the 3D effects for your movie, set the filter to “Left Eye”. These can only be used with the right hardware – if you are viewing the video on an average screen, the 3D effects won’t show. All of these options apply a different filter to the video in order to create a 3D effect.

The 3D View portion of the editing options all have to do with 3D video. There are all sorts of different templates in GoPro Studio that I highly recommend you toy around with, but this tutorial is going to focus on the blank template. In this article, I’m going to give you a quick summary of what all the editing functions in GoPro Studio do on a basic level. Basic editing of movies doesn’t take that long and turns a decent movie into a great one. However, as I kept editing the tools actually turned out to be quite easy to use.

Perhaps you found the different editing tools too daunting and decided that taking the time to learn them was much too difficult. If you’ve just finished your first basic movie in GoPro Studio, chances are that you maybe didn’t take the time to edit it.